If your kids have ever been into Hairy Maclary books, it’s worth stopping at the sculptures on the waterfront which bring all the main characters of Lynley Dodd’s most famous books to life. The bronze sculptures can be climbed on and provide a good photo opportunity. Just nearby there’s also the…
Walking around the base of The Mount (Maouo) should be doable for all ages. It’s 3.4km and the path is suitable for buggies. For access points and toilets, please see the map here. You can also walk and push a buggy to the top but it’s very steep and takes…
The skatepark has the usual ramps enjoyed by skateboarders, kids on scooters and BMX riders but right next to it is also a little concrete area marked out with painted lines for younger kids to follow tracks. It’s basic (no road signs or speed humps like some mini road systems)…
Something for everyone at this park – 2 playgrounds (including slides coming out of a rocket ship!), mini putt (see under ‘contacts’ for more details), outdoor pools in the summer months and a miniature train. There are also BBQs, lots of grass for running around on and big old trees providing…
This 9km boardwalk track loops around the Waikareao Estuary in Tauranga and makes for a lovely walk or even better bike ride. The surface is a mix of boardwalk and gravel so better for bikes than scooters and fine for sturdy buggies. It’s completely flat! It’s worth keeping in mind…
Kairakau is a beach settlement made up of baches, a tennis court and a holiday camp. There are no shops although an ice cream van visits during the summer. Take your provisions with you as the closest shops are at least 30 minutes away. Like most Hawke’s Bay beaches, the…
At low tide there are lots of rock pools teeming with life at the Northern end of Mahia – an area known locally as Snapper Rock. General tips for rock pooling: Check the tide times and aim to go within 2 hours each side of low tide. You can do…
There are plenty of small sprats to keep young fisher boys and girls happy off the wharf at West Quay, Ahuriri. Take your own tackle (a patient child should even get bites with a hand line) and a bucket if your child wants to admire their catch before throwing it…
The closest safe swimming to Napier is at Hardinge Road where there’s a small sandy beach and kid friendly swimming. There’s a playground at Spriggs Park with equipment for younger and older kids, grassy areas for picnics and a concrete path going all the way along from the port to…
Most Hawkes’ Bay beaches are quite dangerous for kids due to the undercurrent but beaches both north and south of Napier sometimes have a lagoon at a river mouth which can be safer for family swimming. This is the case at Waipatiki beach although kids will still need to be…