Suitable for all ages (slide height restriction 1.2m)
This is a big swimming pool complex with slides and pools of varying temperatures that kids LOVE!
It’s not a cheap day out but the kids will have a great time and talk about it for months to come! Some TOP TIPS to make it as cheap as possible are: if you’re a NZ resident, join the PoolPlus programme (free to join) and family entry is $45 + slides. Also, if you know you’re going, check out their Facebook page for their SuperSales which are advertised approximately twice a year. You can also look here on Bookme, in case there are any deals available. You can also take your own food and drinks with you rather than buying at the cafe. Make sure you take everything you’ll need for your visit with you, as leaving the complex and coming back has an extra charge.

Also, there is currently no shade so another TOP TIP: go first thing in the morning (when it’s also usually quieter) or later on in the afternoon if it’s a hot day. The management have said that they are addressing the shade issue (May 2016).
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Canterbury, Hanmer, Outside, PoolsContact Information
Tel: 0800 442 663
Web: http://hanmersprings.co.nz
Address: 42 Amuri Ave, Hanmer Springs (on the corner of Amuri Ave & Jacks Road)
Open: daily 10am – 9pm (except Christmas Day). Check before you pay to go in what time the pools are due to close that day, as they do sometimes close earlier than advertised time.
Prices: See TOP TIPS in ‘Overview’ about making your visit cheaper. Normal prices are Adults $24, Kids $12, Spectators $2, Waterslides/Superbowl $10, Family Pass $60 (2A, up to 3K aged 3-15yrs). Under 3s are free.
If you plan to visit on more than one day, check out the packages available on their website to make sure you’re getting the cheapest deal.
TOP TIP check your kids are at least 1.2m if they want to use the slides!