Suitable for all ages
If you’re after an ice cream, hot chocolate, coffee or dessert, look no further than Patagonia Chocolates, which has outlets in 3 different Central Otago locations (Arrowtown and Queenstown as well as this one).
There are 20 different ice cream and sorbet flavours to choose from, some have even won awards! Slight variations in menu occur between the different branches but all serve sweet treats and coffee which is their own blend, roasted at this store.
See here for info on the Queenstown store and here for the Arrowtown store.
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Cafes, Otago, WanakaContact Information
Tel: 03 443 2380
Web: http://www.patagoniachocolates.co.nz
Address: 155 Ardmore Street, Lake Wanaka.
Open: daily 9am – 6pm.