Suitable for all ages
Set away from both the beach and town centre, this is a fully fenced, quiet skatepark and mini road system perfect for a range of ages that want to practice their wheel skills without going onto the ‘real’ road!
The mini road system is a series of roads with a roundabout, speed hump, road signs and junctions. Great for scooters, balance bikes, real bikes or ride ons.
This is right next to a small skatepark (within the same fenced off area so fine for observing a child at both the mini road and skatepark). There are ramps of differing gradients and rails for practising skateboard and scooter skills on.
In addition, there are 2 pieces of playground equipment for those that don’t have or don’t want to be on wheels. There’s a spinning pole and climbing structure.
There’s some grass to sit on (handily elevated so you could potentially see children in different parts of this small area) and a couple of picnic tables and a toilet.