Suitable for all ages
Rush Munro’s is available in various places as scoops or in tubs but somehow this 100% natural ice cream tastes even better at it’s shop in Hastings. It’s been made in Hawke’s Bay (originally by Mr Rush Munro) since 1926 so they’ve had plenty of time to perfect the recipe and add to the flavours! Let them know if anyone has an allergy as there’s bound to be a flavour to suit.
You can sit down both under cover or in the shaded garden to eat your purchases (there are highchairs available too). There’s a fish pond to keep the kids entertained when they’re not eating – just watch little ones though, as it’s not covered and it can be tempting to try to catch one of those black or orange fish!
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Cafes, Hastings, Hawke’s BayContact Information
Tel: 06 878 9634
Web: http://www.rushmunro.co.nz
Address: 704 Heretaunga Street, Hastings. Car parking on the street or in the private space next to the shop.
Open: daily. Monday – Friday 11am – 6pm and Saturday & Sunday 10am – 6.30pm.