Suitable for all ages
A great playground within a lovely park with a lot to do for the whole family. There’s an area for bigger kids that allows climbing, sliding, balancing and swinging skills to be tested. There’s also a good long and reasonably fast flying fox. Just across a grassy area there a section for smaller kids (you can see one area from the other if you have kids of different ages with you but it’s probably not within shouting distance). There’s also a fenced splash pool open in the summer months (10am -7pm) with a mini slide and sprays. It’s worth noting that as with most water areas within parks, this in unsupervised so you shouldn’t leave your kids unattended there. The pool is most suited to preschoolers as it’s very shallow but kids of all ages seem to have fun there.

Further into the park, there’s a mini road system for kids to practice their cycling or scooting skills including mini road humps and roundabouts. Longer cycle rides are also possible by joining up with the Rimutaka Cycle Trail along the Hutt River that runs through this park. There are also BBQs and loads of running around space, plenty of big trees providing shade at different times of the day and toilets near the playground areas.

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Free, Outside, Playground, Pools, Upper Hutt, WellingtonContact Information
Tel: 04 527 2169
Web: http://www.upperhuttcity.com/parks-reserves/our-parks-and-reserves/harcourt-park/
Address: Norbet Street or Akatarawa Road, Upper Hutt. Lots of access points to this park but the first car park on Norbet Street is the closest access point to the Splash Pool with the playgrounds just to the North of this. The first car park along the Akatarawa Road is the closest to the ‘Bigger Kids’ playground with the smaller kids playground just to the South of this and the mini road system down the path to the west.
Open: The Splash Pool opens in the summer months only, when it’s warm enough! Try calling the council offices on the number above to check. When it’s open, it operates from 10am – 7pm daily.