Suitable for all ages
This playground was new in 2018 and has lots of equipment that should appeal to a variety of ages. The playground is also next to a skatepark and a half basketball court and also within the huge park with lots of flat grass (for picnics, kite flying and ball games), concrete paths, perfect for scooters and buggies. There’s even a stream running through it with ducks to feed at various points.
Within the playground there’s a section better suited to pre schoolers and less daredevil children! This has a good variety of swings including an accessible swing, tunnels, in-ground trampolines, crazy mirrors, whispering posts, musical instruments, mini climbing frames (including mini rock climbing walls) and a little slide. It’s right next to the toilets and there’s covered tables and seating.
Just beyond this area the more challenging equipment starts with a series of rope walkways, a wobbly bridge and stepping stones. From here the equipment around the tunnel slides gets very high off the ground with ladders, rock climbing walls and an angled rope climbing frame, all leading up to the top of the slides.
Beyond this though there’s a fairly extensive water channel with gates and dams to open and close and a splash pad. It might pay to bring togs or a change of clothes!
More in-ground trampolines, a dual flying fox, long swings, a bucket swing, a spinning rope climbing frame and more tables and seating mostly covered with shade sails, make up the rest of the playground.
There are some big old trees that help to provide shade over parts of the playground. A New World supermarket is a couple of hundred metres away if you need food supplies and there’s a drinking fountain near the younger kids section of the playground. All in all a park you could definitely spend the best part of a day in!
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Free, Hawke’s Bay, Napier, Outside, Playground, Pools, Recently AddedContact Information
Address: Kennedy Road, near the junction with Auckland Road, Greenmeadows, Napier. Approximately 10-15 minute drive from Napier City. There’s parking on all of the streets around with paths crisscrossing the whole park so if you’ve got a buggy / scooter or bike you can easily get there from anywhere in the park. The map here though shows a dedicated carpark right near the playground.