Suitable for all ages
This is so much more than just a maze! Yes there is a maze here – it’s a hedge one that you navigate your way into the centre of and then either backtrack your way out of or use the oneway doors to go back out quickly. This can take about 20 minutes and can be repeated as many times as you like. You could add a competition element in by timing yourselves and trying to do it quicker on a second attempt or have older kids try to beat adults into the centre.
This is only one part of aMAZEme though. All around the maze there are games and sports activities which can make a trip here turn into at least a half day activity. There are stilts to try to balance on, hoola hoops for throwing or twirling, a giant Connect 4, multiple swingball sets, giant draughts and snakes and ladders set into tables. Further round there’s a volleyball net, tug-of-war rope, footballs, sacks set up for racing and more swing balls. This is to name just some of the games and activities – plenty to keep all ages occupied!
There are ice blocks and cold drinks for sale but no other food available for purchase but BYO picnics are encouraged with lots of space and tables to eat at. This includes the area near the entrance which also has a selection of kids bikes and trikes (mostly for preschoolers) and a couple of rabbits which can be petted and held. The aMAZEme website doesn’t really do this business justice with the selection of games and other activities on offer really being the star of the outing and keeping kids and adults entertained for hours. If you take food with you, you’ll be here for longer than ‘just’ doing the maze!
It’s worth noting that shade is patchy – some big old trees over some of the sports area, umbrella’s near the entrance picnic tables and dotted around other parts of the site. There is free sunblock available at the reception area or if you’re worried about the heat, go early or later on a very hot day.
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Bay of Plenty, Outside, RotoruaContact Information
Tel: 07 357 5759
Address: 1335 Paradise Valley, Ngongotaha, Rotorua. It’s about 8km from the centre of Rotorua. There’s parking onsite.
Open: daily weather permitting. Summer 10am – 5pm (October – April) and Winter Friday to Monday ONLY 10am – 4pm (May – September).
Price: Adults $16, Kids (5-17 years) $11, Under 5s FREE. Family Pass $50 (2A+2K).